Game Testing. We start all new testers with our magazine games. Magazine games are tested in four eight-week cycles from January to September. Each cycle consists of four two-week rounds. During each round, testers are expected to play at least one complete game, and provide a report of all errata they found with suggested fixes, and an after-action report of the game play and play balance. Testers must live in the US and have regularly available play test partners (can be one partner for all four rounds or four different partners, but no solo play testing allowed).
For those outside the US and/or do not have regularly available gaming partners, we also are seeking game rules proofers. These individuals scour the final game rules and components to ensure clarity and identify errata before games and rules go into printing.
For anyone not able to make the above commitments, we also have opportunities for testing games at the conventions we attend. Check our upcoming convention schedule and contact Doc to set-up a test game.
If you are interested please use our form here to apply.
D-Day at Peleliu computer is also testing. E-mail Doc using the contact form if you are interested.