Minutes to Learn. Quick to Play.
Historically Accurate.
Hex Based 2-Player Wargames
The mini-game Musket & Saber Quick Play system also has a bigger brother in our folio line with larger games and greater detail. The rules are interchangeable so players can start with the mini-games and then advance to the folio series using the same Quick Play rules then add in the Musket & Saber folio rules as they want, one rule at a time or all at once. Games include battles from the Napoleonic period (Marengo and Leipzig), the Mexican-American War (Pedragal), and the American Civil War (e.g., Stone’s River, Chickamauga).
A second system, Pike & Shot, is a cousin of Musket & Saber and covers battles of the 1600’s and earlier. It includes Breitenfeld and Pavia, along with Kircholm (with Pike & Shot Quick Play rules).
Battles of the Ancient World is another system. It along with Battles of the Medieval World focus on pre-gunpowder battles (e.g. Zama, Acre). The rules are actually closer to mini game level, and before the folio lines were established, there were three boxed sets of BAW games.

Going forward, after the 18th and 19th century Musket & Saber line, we come to the 20th century Fire & Movement (F&M) line. The F&M system has a main set of system rules for WWII and Modern battles (Bastogne, Golan), and a sub-set for WWI battles (Gaza, Masuria). Because the system focuses on firepower and maneuver, as one progresses through various battles of the 20th century, one sees the lack of WWI-era mobile firepower reflected by the scarcity of units able to move in the second movement phase or fire in the second combat phase, whereas by the end of the century, most armies have a sizeable percentage of units able to use exploitation and momentum. Also, one sees differences in artillery and air support as well as training doctrines and elan quantified in fire support marker sets and whether units have second steps and replacements available.
A new system for naval actions was started recently (Battlewagons & Dreadnaughts) and includes a WWI (Coronel and Falklands) and a WWII (River Platte and Denmark Straits) game.
The F&M system rules have received a refresh and are available on the E-rules page of this site and can be used with any of the games in the F&M line.
All of these game lines offer a great place to start wargaming with several follow-on games in each system, making it easy to learn one game, and go to other games with the same system. Other games with similar systems and more detail are regularly published in Strategy & Tactics Press magazines and in the Decision Games boxed game lines when players are ready for larger and more detailed battles and campaigns.
Game Systems
Battles of Ancient World
Chalons: The Fate of Europe
Zama: Hannibal vs Scipio
Battles of Medieval World
Acre: The Third Crusade Opens
Arsuf: Lionheart vs. Saladin
Pike & Shot
Breitenfeld: Enter the Lion of the North
Pavia: Climax of the Italian Wars
Musket & Saber
Marengo: Morning Defeat, Afternoon Victory
Leipzig: Napoleon Encircled
Chickamaugua: River of Death
Stone's River: Turning Point in Tennessee
Frayser’s Farm: Wasted Opportunity
Shiloh: Grant Surprised
Pea Ridge: St Louis, then Huzzah!
Pedregal: Santa Anna at Bay
Fire & Movement (WWII)
Arnhem: The Farthest Bridge
Cauldron: Battle for Gazala
Kasserine: Baptism of Fire
Saipan: Conquest of the Marianas
Bastogne: A Desperate Defense
Aachen: First to Fall
Crusader: Battle for Tobruk
Battle of the Scheldt: The Devil Moat
Iwo: Bloodbath on the Bonins
Shangh Incident 28 January - 2 March 1932
El Alamein: Rommel at Alam El Halfa
Mortain Counterattack:The Drive on Avranches
Fire & Movement (Modern)
Golan: The Last Syrian Offensive
Naktong Bulge: Breaking the Perimeter
DMZ: The Next Korean War
Showdown: The Coming Indo-Pakistani War
Lebanon 82: Op. Gaillee
Fire & Movement (WMI)
Loos1915: The Big Push
Vimy Ridge: Arras Diversion
Meuse-Argonne: The Final Offensive
Masuria: Winter Battle 1915
Tannenberg: East Prussia, Auguat 1914
Suez 1916: The Ottomans Strike
Gaza 1917: Gateway to Jerusalem Sci-Fi
Battle for Galactic Empire
Dreadnaught & Battleships
Coronel & Falklands
Denmark Strait & River Plate