Decision Games conducted three surveys over the past two months. The first survey was a full review of all out-of-print magazine games. This included over 100 S&T and Wargamer titles. The winners for Deluxe Edition graphic update were Crusades and Sicily. In the second round, we surveyed all out-of-print boxed games. Beyond SPI games, games from Decision Games, 3W, Excalibre and Phoenix Games were included. The winner for graphic update was Descent on Crete. All three games have been added to the development schedule (see below).
To review, these three games will focus on a graphics update and will not involve redesign but will include optional rules and variants from S&T, MOVES, and other sources. Graphics updating will include map and counter artwork to current graphics with maps for Crusades and Sicily on our linen finish game boards (Descent on Crete has three maps and will be printed on paper). Rules will be upgraded to full color booklets and include updates of any published errata. Player aid cards will be added to improve player experience and to facilitate the enlargement of hexes and counters by shifting charts, tables, tracks, and displays from maps to player aid cards. These games will be published in boxed format, generally two-inch boxes (larger when needed).
The third survey was for new game designs. The three winners were Battles in the East #5: Kolach and Mars West, NATO, and U-Boat War. These will all begin design work in 2025.
In these surveys, we also asked about interest in play testing and proofing. We have already begun contacting proofing volunteers for current game and magazine projects. We will be conducting a major push to contact all play test volunteers in April to bring this new group on board.
2024 or before (released): Midway Solitaire, World War I, Battle for Germany, Sealion, Coral Sea Solitaire
2025 (released or in production): Carrier Battlegroup Solitaire (MW #17), Red Dragon/Green Crescent (MW #1), Sixth Fleet (MW #41)
2026 (in testing or development): Year of the Rat (S&T#35), Fall of Rome (S&T #181), Siege of Constantinople (S&T#66)
2027 (in development): American Civil War (S&T #310), CA (S&T#38)
2028: Mare Nostrum (World at War #41), Sicily (S&T#89)
2024 or before (released): Across Suez, Bulge, Napoleon at Waterloo, War Between the States, Empires of the Middle Ages, Wellington’s Victory, Al Nofi’s Imperium Romanum, RAF, Drive on Stalingrad (Bomba 2nd edition), Battles for the Ardennes
2025 (released or in production): Operation Typhoon, Blue and Gray I & II Quads, Napoleon at War Quad
2026 (in testing or development): 1812: The Campaign of Napoleon in Russia (Area version), Seven Days to the Rhine (five map sheets), Thirty Years War Quad
2027 (in development): Dreadnought: Surface Combat in The Battleship Era, 1906-45, Modern Battles I and II Quads
2024 or before (released): Battles in the East #1-3
2025 (released or in production): Battles in the East #4
2026 (in testing or development): Last Raiders, Hardest Days
2027-2028 (in design or development): Over the Rhine, Battles in the East #5, U-Boat War, NATO, East India Company, Starforce Alpha Centauri