Here’s the latest news from Decision Games, as of 8 Apr 24:

New Deal of the Month for May
This month is our special bulk discount on magazines (does not include game editions). This offer includes issues of The General, Fire & Movement, MOVES and first offering of S&T Quarterly magazines. Fill in your collection or replace that issue you loaned out, but hurry because the quantities are limited. Limited quantities of all items in this sale.

Please click this link to view the order form and where to email it.

Last Chance to Pledge! for DoS and Coral Sea Deluxe Editions. Pledges close 10 ay 2024.

Drive on Stalingrad (deluxe edition)
This is a two-player, medium complexity, strategic-level simulation of two offensives: Operation Blue, the German attempt to seize Stalingrad and the Caucasus area of the Soviet Union in the summer of 1942; and Operation Uranus, the Soviet counter-offensive in late 1942. This new edition upgrades components with a new enlarged map on two mounted map boards, larger counters, along with new player aid cards and markers for enhanced play. Now is your chance to refight a critical campaign of World War II.

Coral Sea (deluxe edition)
A one-player (solitaire) wargame of the decisive aero-naval battle that took place between the USN and the IJN in May 1942. The Coral Sea design is based on the system used in World at War #2’s Solomons Campaign; however, there are significant differences owing to the different scale of the Coral Sea operation and the rules required for a solitaire design. The game system controls IJN forces via naval and air doctrine tables which initiate a range of strategies. The player controls various Allied forces, collectively called the USN, through an operational system based on US military staff organization which provides a wide range of actions that can be conducted on the game map. The player can react to various threats and launch counterattacks to exploit opportunities as they occur.

Go to the DG shop for more information and how to order.

Magazine and Mini-Game Playtesters

Thank you to all the volunteers who have tested our games. Contact Doc at if interested.

     We’ve just added another group of volunteers to our play test pool, but there is always room for more! In general, we need at least four play test sessions over an eight-week period to play the game and provide a summary of questions, clarifications, and play balance comments. Send an e-mail Doc at with your contact info and preferences.

Computer Game Playtesters

    D-Day at Peleliu is testing. E-mail Doc at if you are interested.

VASSAL modules

Decision Games offers vassal modules of its magazine and box games as well as some older SPI titles. These modules are brought to you by community support so functionality may vary. If you have an interest in helping to maintain or create vassal modules, please email our offices.

Our vassal playtesting program has sunset, thank you for the help in refining our games!

Click the image or this link to access the Module Archive.

Strategy & Tactics Update (Previews)

S&T #346 featuring Andrew Jackson’s Battles has shipped.

S&T #347 with Operation Holland will ship in late May.

World at War Update (Previews)

WaW #96 with Kriegsmarine: Plan Z has shipped.

WaW #97 with Drive on Leningrad 1941 (Campaigns in Europe series) will ship in early July.

Strategy & Tactics Quarterly Update (Previews)

STQ#26 with Alternative Strategies for World War I has shipped.

STQ#27 with Grant’s Overland Campaign, May-June, 1864 will ship in August.

Decision Games – next 180 days

Magazine and Boxed Games Released in the past 12 months:

·   World at War #90 (Great European War)

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #22: Guderian’s Panzers

·   Strategy & Tactics #341 (Return to Europe)

·   World at War #91 (Tazierhuang/Stalin’s First Victory)

·   Strategy & Tactics #342 (Carolingian Twilight)

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #23: War of 1812

·   World at War #92 (Narvik) 

·   Strategy & Tactics #343 (Albion)

·   World at War #93 (Baltic Offensive) – Dec

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #24: Chinese Civil War

·   Strategy & Tactics #344 (Great Turkish War: 1683-1699)

·   World at War #94 (Kesselring) – Feb

·   Strategy & Tactics #345 (Tanks of August 2008)

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #25: Fall of Rome

·   World at War #95 (Khalkin-Gol)

·   Strategy & Tactics #346 (Andrew Jackson’s Battles)

·   World at War #96 (Kriegsmarine Plan Z) – Jun

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #26: World War I Strategic Analysis – Summer

Projected Release Schedule for next 12 months (Dates subject to change)


·   Strategy & Tactics #347 (Op Holland: British Bulge) – Jul

·   World at War #97 (Campaigns in Europe: Leningrad) – Aug

·   Strategy & Tactics #348 (Siege of Jerusalem) – Sep

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #27: Grant’s Overland Campaign – Fall

·   World at War #98 (Campaigns in Europe: Stalingrad) – Oct

·   Strategy & Tactics #349 (Korea: Mobile War- solitaire) – Nov

·   World at War #99 (Campaigns in Europe: Italian Camp) – Dec

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #28: First Indochina War – Winter

·   Strategy & Tactics #350 (Reves de Glorie 1805) – Jan

·   World at War #100 (Campaigns in Europe: D-Day to Rhein) – Feb

·   Strategy & Tactics #351 (Bosnian War 1992-95) – Mar

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #29: War in the Mediterranean – Spring

·   World at War #101 (Solomons) – Apr

·   Strategy & Tactics #352 (French & Indian War Battles) – May

·   World at War #101 (Solomons) – Jun

·   Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #30: War in the Mediterranean – Summer

Boxed Games and Other Projects

Distributors and Retailers Shipping

Pledge/Pre-Order Shipping



RAF Deluxe Editon (4th printing)
Coral Sea Deluxe Edition (solitaire)
Drive on Stalingrad Deluxe Edition



Iwo folio (2nd printing)
Kircholm mini (new Pike & Shot Quick Play)
Battles in the East #3: Drive to the Sea & Battle for Pomerania
Battle for the Ardennes Deluxe Edition

Play Testing

Red Dragon Green Crescent Deluxe Edition


Over the Rhine: Operation Market Garden (GOSS)